2期 開国前後の日本とイギリス Japan and Britain in the Edo Period 1830s-1868 [会期] 2021.7.17Sat.~11.7Sun.


We look at British-Japanese relations over approximately 30 years from the 1830s to the Meiji Restoration in 1868 in phase 2. Britain, which had begun its full-scale advance into East Asia in the wake of the Opium War, established an official relationship with Japan in the 1850s. War in Asia was heavily involved in the background to that. We introduce the connections between the two countries at the end of the Edo period (1603 to 1868) with a look at materials newly discovered in Britain while taking in a view of the situation in Asia.

展示構成 Structure of the Exhibition

1. 開国前夜 - アヘン戦争 / On the Eve of the Opening of Japan: The Opium War

開国前夜 - アヘン戦争 On the Eve of the Opening of Japan: The Opium War


Opium produced in the British colony of India was actively exported to China from the end of the 18th century. A military clash occurred between the Qing Dynasty which had banned that and Britain. The Opium War then began. The Qing Dynasty was defeated. The war ended with the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. This information also arrived in Japan. Japanese people became more vigilant of Britain. After the war, the Royal Navy, which had expanded its range of activities, sent a surveying ship to the waters near Japan.

Bombardment of British ships during the Opium War
Edward Belcher, "Narrative of a voyage round the world,
performed in Her Majesty's ship Sulphur, during the years
A drawing depicting the captain and the crew of the Mariner surveying ship which arrived in Japan in 1849

2. アジアの戦乱のなかの開国 / Opening of Japan Amid War in Asia

アジアの戦乱のなかの開国 Opening of Japan Amid War in Asia



The Crimean War broke out in 1853. The war also spread to the Far East. Britain and Russia exchanged fire at the Kamchatka Peninsula. The British James Stirling arrived in Nagasaki in 1854 amid this battle. He signed a British-Japanese agreement to allow the supply of food to British ships.

The Arrow Incident occurred in Guangzhou in 1856. Britain and the Qing Dynasty again resumed hostilities. A rebellion against Britain also broke out in India around the same time. James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin and minister plenipotentiary, visited Edo in 1858 while dealing with these issues. He signed the British-Japanese Treaty of Amity and Commerce with the Shogunate. War in Asia was in the background to the opening of Japan to Britain.

The fall of Sevastopol Fortress in Russia – a fierce battlefield in the Crimean War
“The Illustrated London News” Sep. 29, 1855
Exchange of a British-Japanese treaty in Edo
Laurence Oliphant, "Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan"

3. 日本の開港都市 / Opened Port Cities of Japan

日本の開港都市 Opened Port Cities of Japan


The three ports of Hakodate, Yokohama and Nagasaki were opened to Britain and other Western countries in 1859. Cotton and woolen fabric products brought into Japan mainly from Britain accounted for a large percentage of the total value of imports. On the other hand, war again broke out between China and Britain and France. Horses and cows for the military were sent to the frontline in China from Japan immediately after the ports were opened. Furthermore, many Russian warships stopped at the northernmost opened port of Hakodate. This led to Britain shifting its wary eyes to trends in Russia.

A woodblock print depicting a British man looking at textiles in Yokohama
‘The Northern Bear and the Japanese Honey’
“The Japan Punch” [July, 1868]
A Russian bear is about to lick the Ezo area drawn as a beehive

4. 攘夷と明治維新 / Expulsion of Foreigners and the Meiji Restoration

攘夷と明治維新 Expulsion of Foreigners and the Meiji Restoration



The principle of excluding foreigners attracted a great deal of support in Japan at the end of the Shogunate. Attacks on foreigners began to occur frequently. Britain bombarded Kagoshima in 1863 as retaliation for the murder of a British merchant. Britain then attacked and occupied a battery of the Choshu clan in Shimonoseki together with other countries the following year.

The political situation at the end of the Shogunate changed at a bewildering pace. The new Meiji government centered on the emperor was established in 1868. The former Shogunate forces opposed this and a civil war (Boshin War) broke out. Britain, which had announced its neutrality, carefully observed the trends of the war. It supported the new government ahead of other countries.

A hanging scroll depicting the attack on the British legation at Tozen-ji Temple in 1861
Foreign military boats near Shimonoseki
Felice Beato

イギリスに残されていた歴史資料から / From Historical Materials Left Behind in Britain

イギリスに残されていた歴史資料から From Historical Materials Left Behind in Britain




Historical materials relating to Japan at the end of the Shogunate that are hardly known about in Japan remain in Britain. A visit to Britain to conduct a survey prior to the exhibition revealed a number of deeply interesting materials.

The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland contains materials relating to Hiram Shaw Wilkinson who visited Japan in 1865 and who was active as a diplomat and lawyer. These include materials that allow us to understand the connections between Britain and Japan at the end of the Shogunate and the Meiji period (1868 to 1912) and the situation in Japan. For example, there are timetables of the P&O steamships used by Wilkinson when he visited Japan and old photographs of various places in Japan at the beginning of the Meiji period.

In addition to these, we use panels in the exhibition room to reproduce and showcase a watercolor painting of Yokohama and Osaka in 1868 drawn by a surveying officer and views of the lands connected with three diplomats at the end of the Shogunate and the Meiji period – Ernest Mason Satow, William Willis and Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford.

1870年代 北アイルランド公文書館寄託
The city of Yokohama seen from Iseyama in the 1870s
The Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland D1292/P/2
Ottery St Mary Parish church and Ernest Mason Satow’s gravesite


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*All the images here are from the Yokohama Archives of History except where otherwise described.

*The images introduced here include those not exhibited depending on the time of the year in the exhibition venue and those reproduced and introduced in panels.